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This Privacy Notice is hereby adopted in compliance with Republic Act No. 10173 or the Data Privacy Act of 2012 (DPA), its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR), and other relevant policies, including issuances of the National Privacy Commission.


It is the policy of Eastgate Maritime Corporation (EMC) to respect and uphold data privacy rights, and to ensure that all personal data collected from crew/seafarers, allottees, employees and other third parties, are processed pursuant to the general principles of transparency, legitimate purpose, and proportionality as stated in DPA.


EMC adheres to the general principles of transparency, legitimate purpose and proportionality in the collection, processing, securing, retention and disposal of personal information.


  • The crew, allottees, employees, or third parties whose personal information is being collected shall be considered as data subjects for purposes of these policies.


  • Data subjects shall be informed the reason or purpose of collecting and processing of personal data.


  • The data subjects shall have the right to correct the information especially in cases of erroneous or outdated data, and to object to collection of personal information within the bounds allowed by privacy laws.


  • The data subject has the right to file a complaint in case of breach or unauthorized access of his personal information.


  • EMC shall secure the personal information of crew, allottees, employees and third parties from whom personal information is collected and shall take adequate measures to secure both physical and digital/electronic copies of the information.


  • EMC shall ensure that personal information is collected and processed only by authorized personnel for legitimate purposes of the organization.


  • Any information that is declared obsolete based on the internal privacy and retention procedures of the organization shall be disposed of in a secure and legal manner.


  • Any suspected or actual breach of the EMC Data privacy policy must be reported to any member of the Data Privacy Response Team in accordance with the procedure provided in this Manual.


  • Data subjects may inquire or request for information from the Data Privacy Response Team, regarding any matter relating to the processing of their personal data under the custody of EMC, including the data privacy and security policies implemented to ensure the protection of their personal data.

Any further inquiries about EMC’s Data Privacy policies and practices may be coursed to the Data Privacy Officer:


Data Privacy Officer
Tel No. 8533-6101 Ext. 218

©2022 Eastgate Maritime Corporation. All rights reserved.


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